Nature · Wind


The young boy was proud
Of his dancing as his limbs flailed,
And he giggled until his breath,
Huffed and he fell happily
To the earth.

The bush undulated,
Swirling colors like a Mexican skirt,
As the wind pushed and tugged.
It’s dance wild and carefree
Full of life.

The jellyfish flowed,
Waving it’s tentacles like ribbons
As currents twisted and pulsed.
A soft and sensuous dance
Slow drifting.

I missed NaPoWriMo Day 5 but today I got inspired as I watched the wind.

Birds · Nature · Spring

Wish You Were Here – NaPoWriMo

Dear Baba
The days are getting longer.
Shining light!
I still miss the Pacific Northwest
But spring in Missouri is glorious
The birds have their mating plumage,
All bright and iridescent.
You would enjoy it.

NaPoWriMo day 7 brought an interesting challenge. Write a poem as if it were a postcard, entitled “Wish You Were Here”.