Insects · Nature

King of Leaf Litter (NaPoWriMo Day 4)

There is strange creature
That’s all legs and hard plates
With many queer features
Rolling tight its main trait.

A bit like a shrimp and a bit like a crab
It’s found on land and rocky shores
But it could easily have been made in a lab
It’s small and dark and easy to ignore.

But clearly people have noted this critter
Because its known by so many names
I’d call it the king of the leaf litter
Instead, potato bug, sow bill, pill bug are just some that it claims.

Here is another entry for day 4 of

Insects · Nature


I am a grub,
A grub.
Creeping along,
I consume,
All that I can
To change.

I know,
A caterpillar 
Is more appealing,
But most 
Become moths,
Desperately seeking
The light in the darkness.

And metamorphosis,
Is a messy process
No matter what.
Inside you ooze,
As you destroy
What you were.

As a grub
I will not take flight
In a dazzle 
Of butterfly color.
No, I will be firmly on earth –

And like the dung beetle
I will take the crap
Of others,
And create something.
And my carapace
Will be strong
And iridesce 
In the light of the day.